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Become. Belong. Benefit.

Benefits designed for our members

Together we count for more

As a mutual building society, we’re owned by and run for the benefit of our members.

We care about our members and we’re committed to providing access to a range of exclusive products, interest rates and services.

Group 26


Become a member of Scottish Building Society

Members Panel
Our members panel gives members the chance to have their say in shaping the Society and helps us understand what’s important to them.

We’ll be diving into trending topics with a panel of experts in our new vodcast series including talks on ‘Protecting Yourself from Fraud and Scams’.

Members have the opportunity to participate and share their vote at our Annual General Meeting.

Events held at our Relationship Centres throughout the year.

Annual Newsletter
Provides members with an overview of Society updates including our community work, Relationship Centre updates, new products and future plans.

Group 25


Be part of a community

Scottish Building Society Foundation
The Scottish Building Society Foundation invests in good causes to build stronger communities. To date, we've launched an initial fund of over £175,000 and are supporting charities across Scotland.

Members can apply for funding for charities and community groups, and we'll provide regular updates to all our members who have applied.

Group 28


Enjoy our rewarding member benefits and products

Member Savings Rates
Existing members can benefit from preferential interest rates.* 

Member Mortgage Rates
Preferential  interest rates available to members with an existing mortgage product.* 

Our partnership with Snugg provides our members with a personalised energy savings plan. 

GreenFox Energy 
GreenFox give you the information, advice and confidence you need to bring solar energy into your home.

Main Club Partner of Edinburgh Rugby
Our unique partnership with Edinburgh Rugby gives our members the opportunity to benefit from ticket giveaways throughout the rugby season.** 

*Eligibility criteria applies. Rates and products subject to change and can be withdrawn at any time. 
**Giveaways will be on a ballot basis as and when available. 

Join our Members Panel and have your say